Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What did you eat?!!

Ok... don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE my dogs, but sometimes the smells that come out of them cannot even be put into words - they're just plain wrong. Sometimes I wonder if there's been a change of formula with their dog food, considering they've eaten the same exact food their entire lives. We hardly give them "people" food for fear of what it would do to their stomachs - they can't handle anything too rich.

So while our friends, Katie & Richard, were over watching "American Idol" with us tonight the dogs decided it was time to bust out the big guns. Seriously... I have never smelled anything more horrible in my entire life. What makes that??! I feel bad since they can't really help it, but come on - don't get too comfortable, puppies! The moment they relax is the moment the horror begins. Ah, the joys of being a pet owner :)


Stefanie Schocke said...

Yeah, that's why I don't own any pets! :)

Aimee said...

Having dogs is awesome, though... no matter what smells might come out of them ;) I can't imagine our house without them now - they're like our kids!

Anonymous said...

We could always tell when our dog farted by the look on her face. I think she suffocated from the smell as well. I always used those opportunities to contribute myself and blame the dog.

Stefanie Schocke said...

Only Kevin would say something like that.

Aimee said...

Shane ALWAYS blames Tugger for his own horrible smells... it's hilarious :) Kevin, your roommate would make you proud!