Friday, April 18, 2008

Good Samaritan Law...?

If you saw the final episode of "Seinfeld" you know the meaning behind this blog title. On my way home from work today my car ran out of gas. Mind you, last night after Shane took it out for a Krispy Kreme run (about 35 minutes away), he said, "You can definitely get to work and back on the gas in your tank right now. I promise." Well... so much for that! As I attempted to get to the side of the road, I realized I wouldn't be able to completely pull into the driveway off to my right. I'm fairly close to being out of the road and am extremely visible from both directions - a blessing on these back roads of Kentucky! I immediately turned on my 4-way flashers and picked up the phone to have Shane bring me some gas. About a minute after I hang up the phone a woman slows down to help me, and she decides to pull over. What she DOESN'T see is the massive ditch that she's about to go into. So I'm waving my arms trying to get her to stop... but does she see me?? Of course not. She realizes what's happening about 3 seconds too late. And as she attempts to stop, the ground beneath her car starts to sink in. Before you know it, her car is teetering on the edge of this ditch and all I can think is, "Dear God - PLEASE don't let this woman get hurt for trying to help me! PLEASE don't let her car tip over!!!" I immediately dialed 911 for help. Thankfully some guys in a pick-up truck pulled up as this was happening and jumped out to help steady the vehicle. They were able to get it up far enough where it wasn't going to tip over anymore, and the woman was able to get out. I'm apologizing left & right as she comes towards me and all she can say is, "Are you okay?!!" I was stunned to think that her first thoughts were about ME!! Are you kidding? Am I okay... are YOU okay??!!

About a minute and a half later the cops arrived on the scene - not a shabby response time, I might add! They asked the woman (whose name I now know is Kelly) if she wanted to file a report, and she simply says, "There's nothing to report. I pulled over to help her because I saw her flashers on. As I went to pull to the side of the road, the ground sunk in from underneath me. We didn't have an accident, no one is hurt. Everything is fine." At this moment I am so grateful for God's gift in sending THIS woman... as opposed to others that could've acted entirely opposite in this type of situation.

After quite a long time passes - and both of our husbands are on the scene - the 2nd round of tow trucks is able to pull her out without ANY damage!! PRAISE GOD!!! As the Chevy Tahoe was being lifted out of the ditch I was saying the same prayer over and over - "Thank you, Jesus; thank you, Jesus!! Needless to say, I'm still trying to process this entire thing. Below are some pictures of Kelly's Tahoe in the ditch:


Stefanie Schocke said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad everyone (and their cars) are okay! What a kind lady to stop and help! That is quite the ditch!

Jenny said...

wow! That's crazy! glad everyone is ok.

Kristen said...

I read this while I was back home but never got to leave a comment... That is SO crazy! I'm sure that woman will think twice about ever helping someone out again. Glad everyone was alright!