Sunday, April 27, 2008

I've been tagged...

A few people have sent this to me to do, so here we go!

I am: a child of God, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a dog-lover, and a friend
I think: about what I want to do when I "grow up"
I know: every line from "The Sound of Music"
I want: to sing for a living :)
I wish: that we could live closer to our families
I hate: mushrooms
I miss: New York
I fear: having ugly babies - seriously... it's a problem
I feel: tired, but happy
I hear: a lawnmower next door
I smell: fresh-cut grass, which means Spring is officially here!
I crave: sweets
I search: for a solid Bible-preaching church with a great music ministry team
I regret: wasting time worrying
I love: being a part of God's family
I ache: for people who don't know the love of Christ
I care: about serving others
I always: straighten the things on my bulletin board at work
I am not: a big fan of leisure reading
I believe: in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth... And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord... I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. AMEN
I sing: all the time - even when I don't realize I'm doing it!
I cry: everytime I sing the last verse of "Victory in Jesus"
I fight: for things worth fighting for
I write: emails all day long
I win: every puzzle on "Wheel of Fortune" - I own that game
I lose: myself in music
I never: go to sleep without telling Shane I love him
I confuse: people with my randomness
I listen: to Christmas music WAY before the season actually begins
I can usually be found: on the computer or watching tv... kind of pathetic, I know
I am scared: of spiders and bees
I need: to pull up our carpet!
I am happy about: having such wonderful friends
I hope: to record a demo sometime this year... we'll see how it goes!


Stefanie Schocke said...

My mom and I were cracking up reading this! Totally you about the sound of music! Also, hilarious about the fear of ugly babies! :)