Monday, November 5, 2007

Sunday Service

Yesterday afternoon Shane & I attended an Anglican church for the first time - Saint Patrick's. I must admit that I was a bit nervous to attend this service, only because I wasn't sure what to expect. We walked into the building to find some of the warmest greetings we've ever received. The senior pastor, Peter, is probably one of the most genuine guys I've met in a long time. He truly loves the Church as a whole and longs to see the community of believers come together. I noticed that they had "scripts" for the service which would come in handy! Much of the prayers and Scriptures were shared readings, done so in unison by the entire congregation. I've never heard such JOY from a body of believers when participating in responsive readings. It brought tears to my eyes to hear the voices of children, reading along with enthusiasm and true praise to God! When Pete said, "Lift up your hearts!" The entire congregation responded with resounding praise, "WE LIFT THEM UP TO THE LORD!"

The congregation also spent time in prayer over one of the members who is reaffirming his faith. He will officially reaffirm next Sunday and (from what we gathered), this has been a huge process for him. As he kneeled on the ground, we all held our hands out to him in agreement with what Pastor Pete was praying over him. I couldn't help but be overcome by the grace that this man must have been feeling in that very moment. It brought me back to the time when I felt God's calling on my life to full-time ministry. I'm thankful for that moment and the power it still holds in my life.

At another point in the service we took time to recognize the saints that have gone before us, who are now with the Lord. I boldy called out my Grandfather, Norm Dunham, and my Grandmother, Abbie Smith. These 2 people have been huge influences in my life and my walk with the Lord. Their faithfulness as Christ-followers has always encouraged me to live a life that is set apart, though I fail many times.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at St. Patrick's and will be attending again next week. I appreciate the prodding of our friends, Chuck & Cherith, to attend this church. The liturgy and traditions present in each service remind me that when we gather to worship our God, it is a sacred time. It's easy to forget that in many of the modern churches today. I was reading in the book of Jude and came upon a wonderful benediction. I'd like to leave you with this prayer: "To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! AMEN."


Stefanie Schocke said...

Hey, did you leave your job??