Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer Blockbusters

This has been a pretty decent summer for movies! It began early with the release of "Sex and the City" - my personal favorite :) - and more recently continued with "The Dark Knight" (AMAZING!!!) and "Mamma Mia!" (pretty impressive!). Some predictable cinematic moments, others... not so much. But all in all I've loved every one so far! We've also added a bunch of movies to our home collection - both new releases, old favorites, and a few necessary sequels. Here are just a couple of the additions:

"Oceans Twelve" and "Oceans Thirteen"
"27 Dresses"
"National Treasure 2"

Last night we also watched "21" - a movie about a team of students from MIT who have been coached by their college professor to beat casinos through counting cards. Pretty decent flick! As you can tell, we like our movies! We welcome any and all suggestions for other films worth seeing - any ideas?


Cherith Ann said...

Hey! I love the new template! I'm not sure what we are up to this week. Charles has been working until 11 the past 2 nights (bleh) and I'm not sure what his schedule is for the rest of the week. What about you guys? How were the rest of the ribs? Did you like "Mama Mia"?

Aimee said...

LOVED "Mamma Mia" was great! We had a really nice time :) The ribs were a hit with the neighbors. They keep complimenting Shane's skills... great, just what he needs - MORE fuel for the fire! Hahaha. Give me a buzz if you want to come over while Charles is working!

Kristen said...

Definitely behind the times in movies due to living over here, but Juno was one of my favorites this year!

Stefanie Schocke said...

I haven't seen any movies this year...or the past two years for that matter. Haha :)