Sunday, January 20, 2008


Here are some much awaited pictures from the marathon... sorry for the delay, folks! We just got home from Florida and now have access to the internet again. These are some shots taken by the Disney photographers. I'll add more once we get the other pictures off our camera(s). For those of you who don't know, Shane ran in the 2008 Walt Disney World Marathon in Orlando, Florida on January 13th. I am MORE than proud of Shane - in fact, "proud" doesn't even begin to describe what I feel!! As he came around the last corner before crossing the finish line I just broke down. It's been a long training period and such a great accomplishment. I don't know how to put into words what I felt to see him complete 26.2 miles. After crossing the finish and finding his way through the mazes of people & race required stops, I finally spotted him. I ran to him, grabbed him, and hugged him so tight - and believe me, that was a big step for this girl who isn't fond of sweat :) In that moment I didn't care one bit. All I wanted to do was make sure he knew how proud I was of him and how much I love him!! CONGRATULATIONS, SHANER! YOU DID IT!!! Without any further ado... here are some of my favorite shots!


Stefanie Schocke said...

Way to go Shane!!! What an awesome accomplishment! I am so proud of you!

Rachel said...

Yay, Shane! I am soooo proud of him! You are a lucky woman to have such a dedicated husband!

becca said...

what an incredible feeling it must have been to cross that finish line. tell him that we are so proud.

LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! did you get my text the other night saying i was watching School of Rock! man...i forgot how much i like that movie "you'll be rocking in my show" love it...sigh....